Education Growth Programs from Kordell Norton

Several years ago a group of colleges asked Kordell if he could help them put together their strategic plan.  A couple of weeks later another education institution, who had heard about the first planning session, called and asked if he could do their school plan.  Since then hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Career Centers, Business & Industry and Community Education departments have:

  1. Hired Kordell to help them do their strategic or marketing planning
  2. Conducted recruiting and enrollment workshops and in-service seminars.
  3. Engaged Kordell to work for their customer's as a sub-contractor and consultant.
  4. Had Kordell do his sales training for consultative selling
  5. Conducted high performance team building.
  6. Create a interactive, highly customized program

Below are some overviews of some of those programs and offerings

Recruit and Retain

(click here to see the reasons you would want to do this program)

Strategic Planning

Sales Training for Business Outreach & Adult-Ed/Customized Training



  1. Develop staff skills to be more in touch with the upcoming generation and how they can better connect and become better recruiters to potential students.

  2. Help your teachers gain confidence in the value their courses teach the incoming students. We would empower them with the tools to communicate the school's value in a way that will get potential students/parents to commit to an education experience.

  3. Drive up retention rates.

  4. Learn what other Career and Technical programs have done to increase enrollment (Recruiting Tips, Tricks and Traps)


This workshop is VERY high energy, and engaging.  No “pour and snore” lecturing, this is very hands on.  we even look at room set up and dress so when participants walk through the door they think, “Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore.” 



What you will get:

  • Staff who know that recruiting and retention is their responsibility (and not someone else’s).

  • Skills for low stress recruiting.

  • “Information” building blocks for marketing, printed materials and a communication plan for connecting with all Stakeholders.

  • Basic “sales skills” for the professional educator (they will not feel they are getting sales type training).

  • Each participant starts a rudimentary plan to increase recruiting in their area.

  • A more cohesive team, with idea sharing, and synergy between teachers, areas and departments.

  • Insights from best practices and methods used by other education institutions.

  • An Adult Education department that is part of the recruiting efforts.

  • Baby Boomer staff generation will learn how to connect with Gen X &Y and visa versa.

  • A high energy, interactive, humorous, entertaining event and experience.


A Rough Agenda Proposal

 5 to 6 hour In-Service

(Customized based on time, number of participants and your organizations needs)



§  OARRs – Objectives, Agenda, Roles, Rules

§  Set up break committee, the environment committee (those who get cold, etc)

§  Ah-ha Sheets – tools to gather individual action items from the day


Blind Spots & Scotomas

§  How to think outside the box on recruiting, enrollment and developing an engaging class “brand”. 


Who Are You?

§  What is the definition of  a GREAT teacher (A World Café Experience and Discussion)

§  The differences between the Vacuum Tube and the YouTube generations and how to find common areas of focus that will get the upcoming generation to take action.


What is currently working?

§  A group discussion and Group Graphic creation of the best current programs.  Group discussion and sharing what individuals in other classes and Career Centers are currently using.

§  Introduce the 3x5 Card “Best Recruiting Ideas” Contest and Class Registration


Developing a Total Marketing TEAM

§  Since you can’t do it all. . . . How do you create a recruiting plan and still teach.

§  Team Synergy and 1 + 1 = 53, leveraging resources for greatest enrollment growth. 

§  Look at team dynamics and how they impact recruiting

§  Building Bridges – an experiential event

§  Who is on each teacher’s team?  Who should be on the team?  (discussion on using ALL of the schools resources)

§  What are the students/parents “HeadNodders”


Career and Technical Program Branding

§  Defining Student Expectations, Experiences and Events

§  Developing and utilizing the school’s “brand”.  How to make recruiting easier using the secrets of branding and marketing in the classroom and bringing in new students.

§  The use of “You Cans” to communicate individual programs (group worksheets exercise)

§  D.R.A.S.T.I.C. – Applying the elements of change to facilitate student excellence.


Recruiting Tips, Tricks, and Traps

A study of what others are doing, as well as discussion and brainstorming how those could apply to satellite programs. 

A few of the things that we will cover include:

§ programs

§  YouTube – the 120 second commercial

§  Email and Voicemail tricks using “You Cans”

§  “What’s That?” walls

§  “You Can” training for Juniors/Seniors

§  The Do’s and Don’ts of presentations to prospective students – (The secret of being quiet)

§  The Experience Economy and the new demands of today’s student

§  Evaluation Sheets – how to use student feedback to recruit


What is YOUR Action Plan?

§  Action plans for individual teachers

§  “Prioritizing things just isn’t my priority”




1. Create a strategic Vision and Mission for the organization

2. Build a stronger team with clear communications.

3. Get consensus and buy in from all team members.

4. Collect the wisdom and insights of all of the Stakeholders.

5. Create measurable outcomes.

Hiring consultants for weeks or months of Strategic Plans is fading away. With the use of Graphic Facilitation, and large scale graphic templates, organizations are now doing their Plans in days with high buy-in and execution. The key is a certified Graphic Facilitator, like Kordell Norton. He moves the group through the mechanics with high energy and entertaining manner. He gets everyone involved and draws on the expertise of the individuals in your group.


  • Get support from your stake holders as they actively participate in creating the plan.
  • Your planning event will go faster as consensus climbs.
  • The visual process allows everyone to "see" the group thinking. Leadership improves.
  • Teams strengthen with a great plan creation. Results in a better plan, and a high performance team.
  • Since "sales and marketing are 80% of any strategic plan", you will see an improvement in your growth.
  • Your planning event will be high energy, entertaining and dare we say. . . fun

An Typical Agenda

Since Strategic Planning is VERY, VERY individual, the follow are the types of things that most often occur in the process. 

1  - Explore and Learn from the Past
- Gain insights from your history
- Determine the core values to your organization

2 - Finding Common Ground
- Looking at current customers and the market
- Solidifying agreements on issues and boundaries

3 - Opening to a Vision
- Creating the future state that can resolve the driving issues

4 - Creating Strategies
- Articulate the core initiatives that will translate the vision into action, with plans for achieving them.

5- Evolving Systems
- Pathways for informing and involving all members
- Getting Stake holder buy-in for realizing the vision

6 - The Living the Plan
- Demonstrate leadership and commitment to the vision
- Put in place HEP Sessions for Execution and Results



Sales Training to Grow sales and revenue!!!!! 

Focused on consultative sales to high corporate levels (mid to “C” level) and how to recognize the customer power base and use that to increase account penetration.

Develop "consultative" selling skills that teach the individual how to listen and fill the needs of the customer versus "show up and throw up" traditional selling tactics.

Give them skills to close sales for the greatest return with the least amount of input.

Your staff will discover how to communicate their value with powerful language that will get the customer to take action.

A Typical Agenda

Introductions and OARRS (objectives/agenda/roles/rules) for the day

  • Introduce the 4P Sales Model

The non-rocket science of selling into the new hyper-educated buyer market.  Based on non-manipulative techniques being used by outreach organizations, this material give the latest insights into non-manipulative, low stress selling.

  • Account Planning - Hug the Elephant

  • Becoming an Expert

The move from selling on price and fighting the competition to presenting your products, training and offerings while garnering respect.

  • Discussion of the Law of Attraction and using that to a competitive advantage

  • List resources (group exercise)

  • Debrief. . . . where does the team NOT know the process to make sales happen?

  • Create a set of action plans to bring the new members up to speed.

Organization and Product Positioning

  • SWOT Matrix for Product or Service

  • Competitors Competition Analysis

  • Competitor Worksheets Discussion and USF (Unique Strategic Function)

  • Context Map

Create a snapshot of the current environment. This guide helps a group understand the factors, trends and forces at work in its unique marketplace and the unique web of relationships. It looks at “the customer” and draws insights into their world.

Communications Tools

  • Building Bridges
  • DISC Profiles

Understanding self and others – The Lewis & Clark and Sacagawea Factor Using DISC in sales


  • The 5 E’s of Branding and Marketing
  • Discussion of “You Can” Language to move customers to buy more.

Account Management and Directions

  • Sales Grid -Action Priorities and focuses
  • Posey Grid Account Management
  • 6x10’s Directions

Time Management based on Account Management

EPRS – Sales Process moving to higher consultative selling.

Big Account Penetration Planning

  • 15 Ways List
  • 7 Touches
  • Carpet Bombing versus Laser Guided Bomb Marketing - The Specific and Significant Sales Campaign

Selling Tips, Tricks and Traps

  • Closing the Sale Techniques
  • Overcoming Objections
  • Leveraging selling efforts using technology and existing tools.