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The following are comments taken from evaluation sheets from various workshops, seminars and speaking engagements. You can tell by the responses that different materials were used in these programs. Kordell wants to give you more of these. . . .but there is such a thing as overkill.
What did you like most about this session? What is the most useful idea you generated as a result of this workshop?
- I loved your graphics.
- Visual Aids. A new way at looking at the products and services that I offer.
- The thing that you made me think about was simply, “How do I create an experience for my clients? “
- It helped me think about describing the current market place trends.
- Kordell was very entertaining. Wasn’t boring at all. The brainstorming ideas were very helpful. We all need to take more time to listen.
- This was a nice “remember, keep on track session”
- It was very interesting. The speaker was energetic, happy and very animated. Would have like to have more time.
- “Very interactive – got the involvement of all the staff. I was also impressed with how efficient the visuals were.”
- “Interaction with our groups and brainstorming. I really liked the visuals that were used. Best idea for me was a look at our future opportunities”
- “The opportunity to find out more about the perspective of other departments within the division.”
- “I liked the visuals and charting emphasis. It helped to organize the information presented in a very constructive manner.”
- “I liked the way the materials made the discussions efficient and “brief”. It was also good to get some recognition of the problems facing our organization”
- “Fun, very educational. A lot of us have the same issues to deal with”
- Learning more about the struggles within the rest of the division, and how all of the departments came about. Most useful idea?. . . . synergy”
- “I think the process of prioritizing strengths, problems and opportunities worked very well. This process could be applied in many areas”
- Great Facilitator. Visuals and colors – best I’ve seen. Felt like we finally accomplished something.
- This is the most I’ve ever gotten out one of these planning sessions. I greatly enjoyed the charts that were used. I feel everyone came to a consensus that the staff needs to be informed of what each needs and wants, before implementing a project.
- Style-Delivery. Liked the info shared. Instruction on how to work together as a team.
- The opportunity of listening and exchanging ideas of where to start this process. That as a group we need to understand what the end result will be.
- That we were able to be more vocal in our groups. To have an informational committee meeting to better inform our group and then to present to the entire staff
- We need more group time to incorporate and discuss. Too much information and ideas to do in such a short time. . . but we had a good start.
- Viewing customer service as an experience
- The Experience Economy as a trend. . . which I believe is a FACT (underlined 3 times)
- The way you tied concepts into business. Very well put together. The most useful idea is ways to integrate sensory experience to improve results.
- Your humor was great. It was a nice way to get the ideas across
- I truly enjoyed the parable
- The Brainstorming session was helpful. How to look at our senses was helpful. I wish you had time to add information about how we as an individual can increase sales growth separate from the corporation.
What points will you most likely use when you return to work?
- Because I work in such a competitive market at a realtor . . . I will NOT be sharing too much of your valuable information with others. I mean. . .why make competition harder? Good stuff.
- “Discuss the strengths and opportunities as generated by the session”
- “We have to remember to work together as a team and we should set procedures (with staff input) and follow them”.
- “The things that stand out for me are the needs for creative programming to increase numbers of customers efficiently (streamlined procedures) and effectively.”
- Brainstorming the needs for both staff (internal) and outside (kids, parents, business)
- What staff needs to know is different than parent & student
- Being open to other people’s perspectives and realizing that I need to broaden my thinking and think outside the box more
- I like your reminder on the customer experience, the attention to providing optimal experience of service.
- Everyone’s ideas make a difference & that you gotta be prepared to “one-up”
- Importance of “5 Sensing” in brainstorming, to make the customers experience positive
- Looking for the unique factor, the need for brainstorming and multimedia.
- Constant brainstorming to bring up new ideas as well as team building.
- Makes we realize I need to go back and enliven our lobby
How did Kordell do? Any comments or insights?
- Nice Job – High energy
- I like the way he went from group to group to us on task – made us think for ourselves.
- Excellent – Insightful, energetic
- He facilitated well (warm & fuzzy)
- He did great. He helped keep the large group on task. Was very informative, positive & energetic.
- Great! Awesome speaker. I think he was able to help a few understand better.
- OK. Not enough time to plan – could have used another hour and ½
- Great! We’re a tough group. He pulled us together well.
- Good at helping clarify and focus the group.
- Very energetic about his topic. He definitely keeps the audience awake!
- Very captivating
- Excellent. He forced us to narrow our topics and be more specific. Great personality and attitude.
- Did what he was hired to do.
And from the EnterpriseOhio Network Conference of 2005. . .
About Kordell Norton - The Top Line Guy
Your organization has a strong interest in the "top line" for growth. As a consultant, speaker, author, Kordell Norton works with corporate, association, education and government organizations who want to focus on branding, sales, marketing, strategic planning/leadership, team building, and customer service.
Kordell was an executive with several multi-billion dollar corporations with executive suite positions in sales, HR, marketing and call centers. As a certified Graphic Facilitator, he uses highly visual processes, along with humor, and entertaining methods for powerful, high energy presentations.
Author of Throwing Gas on the Fire - creating drastic change in Sales and Marketing
He can be reached at (330) 405-1950 or at or at his website -